My son's kindergarten class went to Rock Creek Farms for their fall field trip. We, as parents, were allowed to come as well. We arrived at the farm after the school bus had already headed out to the pumpkin patch. We were given directions at the front and sent out to find them. I was shocked by the hills of pumpkins that went on and on. You would think it would be easy to spot a big yellow school bus in a pumpkin patch—not so. Finally we got up on a hill high enough we could see it in the distance.
The kids were already out and having a great time picking out pumpkins. Parents and children were soon spread out all over the nearest hillside. There were tools to cut the vines if needed.
After the kids picked their pumpkins we went to eat our lunch. They had a big tent set up with tables, a petting zoo off to one side, a hay maze (many of the kids could hardly see over the large bales), inflatable slides and bounce houses. The kids had so much fun. There was also a corn maze, which we didn't do—not the best place to let over 60 five year old children run loose.

Rock Creek Farm is free to get in. You just pay for what you take home. Besides pumpkins, they have wonderful goodies: caramel apples, cider, pumpkin bread, etc. They also have things to decorate with for fall like Indian corn, straw bales, gourds, etc. The corn maze is an additional charge. Check
here for current prices.
Rock Creek Farm is located at:
2005 South 112th Street
Broomfield, CO 80020
To get all the latest information go to
Just a note: they only accept cash and checks.